Free toad offer
2 March 1997

I'm pleased to announce a special, limited time offer to visitors to Arlotone Online. Mail-order a copy of Sorry-go-round today, and receive a free stuffed toad with your disc! (The last song on the CD is the oft-requested "Toad on the Road.") The toads are life sized, high quality, hand sewn collectors items donated by a particularly devoted fan. See the Arlo for Sale page for ordering information.

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SGR feedback
26 February 1997

Sorry-go-round has only been available for six weeks, but I'm already getting some great feedback both from critics and computer people. For a sample of what's been published in and around Madison, visit my new Press page.

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SGR released
22 January 1997

What better news could I give than that my new CD, Sorry-go-round, has arrived and is now officially available? Pick up a copy at any of my shows, or check out the mail order information on my For Sale page.

And by the way, now that I've got my own enhanced CD in the bag, I'd like to get into the business of making them for other bands. Visit my ECD site if you're interested!

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Site revisions
17 January 1997

Regular visitors to Arlotone Online will notice a few revisions to the site after today. I removed the Gallery, because as soon as I started putting fans' artwork online, you all stopped sending it to me. In its place, I've created a new section just for the Press. Perhaps they'll be a little less shy.

Also, from now on, the Song of the Month will be available in the cross-platform QuickTime format. QuickTime is pretty standard by now, but if it's not installed on your computer, you can grab the latest version free from Apple. By the way, if you're using Netscape with the QuickTime plug-in, you'll be able to start listening to my songs while they're still downloading! (The disadvantage of using the plug-in is that you can't look at other pages while you're waiting -- if you try, you'll lose everything that's been downloaded so far.)

Finally, I've added a table of contents to this page. You can still get the latest news right here, or scroll down a bit to review of what I've been up to in the past.

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SGR master delivered
2 January 1997

After spending more of November and December with my computer than with my guitar, I finally delivered the master copy of my next CD, Sorry-go-round, to the replicating facility. I'll post more info about this special disc when the manufacturing is finished -- with a little luck, in time for my next show on January 24.

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